Thursday, June 12, 2008

Off we go

(Boy, those three weeks went fast)

In just a matter of hours, we'll be on our way to the airport. Thanks again for your prayers, encouragement and financial support — whether you pray, give, or go, we're all vital parts of this team.

Before we leave, here are some prayer requests. Please pray:
- For smooth travel. We leave Fort Worth on Friday morning, and most of the group returns June 21.
- For protection from sickness -- several of us are fighting off bugs -- fatigue, and crime. We're not going to be in harm's way, but we'll still be in big cities.
- For our team, that we'd have unity and humble, servant-like attitudes.
- For our leaders, Erick, Sarod, Laura and Betsy, that they'd have wisdom.
- For the Italians we'll meet. We will primarily be working with college students in Florence, with a few of us going to Bologna each weekday. We'll also help a Florentine church with what's believed to be the first Vacation Bible School ever in the city.
- For our work, that relationships will be cultivated so the local ministries, Agape Italia and Logos Evangelical Church, can better serve the community.
- For all of us, courage, perseverance, tact and compassion. Italy is a very spiritually dark place. Though its churches and cathedrals testify to its rich Christian history, to many Italians that's all Christianity is -- something from the past that's unnecessary now. Please pray that we'll show grace to everyone we meet.

Again, this ministry wouldn't be possible without you — thanks for joining us. Arrivederci!

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